I got his stuff off Digit's site:
Digit has been around for almost 10 years, and during that time we’ve experienced all the highs and lows that this industry has to offer. In spite of this we've stayed true to our founding principles of Simple Human Interaction, and are proud that they are still as relevant today as they ever were. They say that you are only as good as your last piece of work, but occasionally it’s nice to remember...
ever increasing choice and media noise mean that never before have we had such a small window of opportunity to grab consumer attention. as a result, the moment of interaction has become the new marketing battleground. digit uses a combination of strategy, creativity, technology and r&d to deliver leading businesses moments that matter.
creativity is at the heart of everything we do. we believe in bringing brands and products to life through a combination of big ideas and engaging design that allow consumers to interact in new and surprising ways.
technology plays a vital part in all our lives. it can be a source of great wonder and great frustration. we understand these two extremes, and ensure that technology is applied sensitively. used as a tool to engage, but one that lives in the background as a silent force.
everyone looks for context in what they are doing, and digit is no different. we use research and experience to develop strong strategic insights that help us identify solutions that answer our clients’ needs. this ensures that what we come up with not only answers the brief, but is fully accountable.
research & development is an integral part of our business. we invest time and resource to learn and explore ideas, and develop technologies that help drive and support them. this ensures that our solutions are always cutting edge, and our clients ahead of the game.
The 6 guiding principles that inform their workOrdinary
Interactions work best when they are reduced to their fundamentals and technologies work best when we take things away. Technologies should be ordinary, boring even, using familiar objects where possible.
Our brains work best when our mind and body are entwined and making problems physical reduces the cognitive load, it literally helps us to think. ‘Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, involve me and I will understand.’
Emotions really do matter. We process information best when we are relaxed. When in this state, play can be a powerful driver of investigation and discovery
You can create real satisfaction by giving an interaction hidden depths... additional content or functionality that is only revealed later in the process.
The best interactions reward the user with clear and unequivocal feedback throughout the process.
Interactions are dynamic, requiring give and take, sensitivity and adaptability. The user needs to be able to put some of himself into the exchange.
My View:Digit, like Hi-Res! have been on the forefront of web design in the UK for years, and have been very successful. Their website for
Habitat I think a superb example. It think they maybe aren't as conceptual and plainly cool as Hi-Res! but they have a big portfolio of wealthy clients, and I think the kind site Hi-Res! did for Beck or Donnie Darko isn't suitable for Sky+ or Vodaphone. I would definitely like to research them further.